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Who are the Ymagiers?

The imagers (in the middle Ages, ymagiers) were craftsmen who embellished the cathedrals with images;

  stonecutters, sculptors, painters and glassmakers.

In the end, only the sculptors had the right to keep this honorific title.
These sculptors
 created the most refined and monumental decorations.
Drawing on both the imagination and the most acute observation of nature, the imagers of the Middle Ages recounted

the vices and virtues of men, symbolising the mysteries of life and death, of heaven and hell.
Thanks to them, stone came to life, light became color, leaves and flowers decorated walls and vaults.
This sumptuous underground network is dedicated to
 these anonymous artists, who seemed to have inspired nature itself

to illuminate and transform an austere and mineral mass into lace and arabesques far more complicated and bizarre

than the richest imagination ...
We are delighted that the
 Ymagiers now also have their "underground cathedral" ... 


Once upon a time, somewhere in the Gard ... A blowhole ...
This is the place we've walked past so often, each time asking ourselves
what could be hidden down there, at the bottom ...
But hey, we had
 other projects and this blowhole fell into oblivion.
But, as it kept on thinking in
 our heads, we decided to take the bull by the horns!
And, after long clearing work, the narrow passages changed into an unexpected discovery !
A universe of such rare beauty, so
 elegant that we can't believe our eyes

and where every stap leads to new miracles ...

Enjoy your journey in this extraordinary garden populated by magical creatures ...
Where dreams become
 reality and reality becomes a dream ...


This rectangular chamber of 25 by 8 meters has a sumptuous  

4 meters high vault. 
It is located in the deepest parts of the cave and contains

the largest amount of crystals.
Splendid  calcite chandeliers sparkle  from the ceiling.
In a corner, we are looking at the longest poolfingers of the cave, about 1.50 meters long.


This chamber, located in a hard to find part of the network, has a floor made of a mille-feuille (layer-cake) of thin calcite flakes

that makes a cracking sound when touched. 
From the very first moment, we fell in love for its beauty !

This real "little Lechuguilla" is entirely dressed in crystals and helictites of a shiny milky-white color.
Our eyes were hypnotized ...


This beautiful gallery of triangular section is decorated with a

triple stalactite in the shape of a trident and its walls are covered

with heavy curtains of a great variety of colors.
At the end of a diverticulum of this gallery was discovered
the "Bénitier aux Etoiles", an exceptional geode with 

large yellow star-shaped crystals.


This large chamber of 50 by 20 meters is, with its height of 11 meters  the largest and highest in the cave (over 9,500 m³). A rimstone pool of 12 by 8 meters occupies the upper part of the chamber.

In the middle of this pool stand proudly the largest calcitecups

of the cave,  wonders mesuring more than one meter in diameter.
These cups are like the
 floating leaves 

of the giant Victoria Amazonica water lily.


The shrine lives up to its name, it is the most unimaginable concentration of wonders that we have ever seen !
In the middle, an "explosion" of helictites takes the form of a fairy tale tree; we called it the "l'Olivier". This is the icing on the cake !
As soon as it is discovered, this sector is visited only after

changing the caving suits and with just socks on the feet...


Stone flowers with delicate foliage, as thin as porcelain

and chiselled like lace, decorate the rimstone pools of this volume,

one of the largest in the cave (60 by  30 meters).

A lateral corridor of this chamber is the setting for the "Teeth of the Earth", a deep pool surrounded by enormous yellow crystals.
This part of the cave was
 discovered after long sessions

of disobstruction work.


Both hollow and solid triangles are beautiful,

but extremely rare crystal structures.
This chamber is an exception with its surface of more than 100 m² completely
 covered with hollow triangles.
Some of them, unique fact, are grouped in a cloverleaf shape.
In the middle of this volume, a gaping hole allows a glimpse

of a water basin, giving the chamber a double bottom.
This basin
 has almost the same dimensions as the volume above.


The sentry, a stalagmite in the shape of a candle, acts as a

solitary guardian in the middle of this volume.
A large fault mirror is visible on the right-hand side with several

shafts wich are being explored and on the left-hand side lies a second chamber that reveals the "Ô-drops", splash cups with the appearance of petrified water drops, called conulites. 
Helectites of unequalled finesse are omnipresent.


Without them, our discoveries would not exist ...

Au Vieux Campeur

Since 1941, THE specialist in your summer and winter outdoor activities!
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Photo credits: Photography © Serge-Caillault, Grotte de Barjac ©, Réseau des Ymagiers ©

© 2022  by Guido Goossens for Grotte de Barjac and Réseau des Ymagiers. Reproduction forbidden.

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